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Contact an attorney in your area to help you with your legal needs.

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How to sign up

Sign up

Sign up with your email or phone number and unlock a suite of legal tools and resources, all conveniently accessible through our specialized legal app.

How to create a case

Create a case

Quickly create and manage your legal cases with ease: enter details, upload documents, and track progress, all within our user-friendly legal app.

How to get help

Get legal help

Need legal assistance? Tap into our app for expert advice, resources, and support, guiding you every step of the way in your legal journey.

How it works

Discover a range of specialized features tailored for legal needs: explore, select, and utilize the tools that best suit your case, all within our app.

Legal Beagle representation anytime, anywhere

Explore Features

Find legal representation anytime, anywhere.

Legal Beagle will find an attorney for you. Just fill out a few questions, and then you'll be connected to an attorney on a face-to-face video to discuss your legal needs.

Fully Remote

With the power of E-Signing, hire an attorney from the comfort of your home. The entire process, from consultation to hiring, is done without ever having to meet in person.

Legal Beagle fully Remote
Practice Panther

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